Saturday, June 04, 2011

I am not satisfied yet: Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar has almost every batting record that is there to be made under his belt but the iconic Indian cricketer says he is still not satisfied with his career as he considers satisfaction the beginning of stagnation.
"When you win something or score a century you say you are happy, but not satisfied. Satisfaction is like engaging the handbrake and hoping a car moves forward," Tendulkar told the latest issue of 'Sky Sports Magazine'.
"I am not satisfied yet with my career and what I have done, not at all. I feel the moment you start to feel satisfied, then it is only natural that you begin to cool down and lose it," he explained.
Tendulkar reiterated that he is not even thinking of retirement despite completing more than two decades in international cricket.
"I still love cricket as much as ever. It is my job, but it is also my passion. Cricket remains in my heart, I don''t need anything else to motivate me. I dreamed of playing for my country when I was young and it is still my dream, it is still fun for me," the 38-year-old right-hander said.
"Life without cricket is unthinkable," he added.
Tendulkar attributed his longevity and recent success to a stricter fitness regime, not playing Twenty20 Internationals and bowling only sparingly. .

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